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Foster confidence to make a change Learn Motivational Interviewing, a widely
studied and effective way to strengthen
an individual's commitment to change.
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Help others set goals and make action plans Brief Action Planning motivates individuals to make
concrete action plans related to the most
important aspects of their health or situation.
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Creating Partnerships, Motivating Individuals, Facilitating Change

The Centre for Collaboration, Motivation and Innovation (CCMI) helps individuals and organizations create partnerships that improve health and well-being. We do this by working collaboratively to inspire new ways of thinking about helping relationships, teach practical skills that foster partnerships, and implement strategies for system-wide change.


We offer training and engagement opportunities to suit the needs of health care teams, organizations, individuals and the general public.


Our informational materials encourage shared understandings and approaches on specific relationship-based care models.


Our Community of Practice is a group of individuals, organizations and CCMI staff who support each other’s learning and growth.

Proven Techniques for Health Care Teams, Organizations, Individuals and the General Public

We’ve developed knowledge and capacity-building programs ranging from one-hour sessions to multiple-day workshops; delivered online, face-to-face and over the phone. Some programs offer certifications and trainer workshops as well. We pay particular attention to sustainability and practice support measures—our goal is to work with you to develop a training program to fit your needs and expectations. We also work with partners to help generate and redesign existing training materials.

Many of our programs are rooted in the principles of self-management support, which refers to the underlying philosophy that every patient has the ability to play an active and central role in managing their own care and mitigating the effects of their illnesses. Self-management encompasses all of the decisions that a patient makes and the behaviours that they display. We train health care practitioners techniques which leave patients feeling more in control of their own health. Our communication strategies also help health care providers assist patients with building greater confidence and efficacy in their own ability to manage their care. We specialize in adapting self-management support tools to the realities that exist in busy clinical environments. Our programs have been developed by nurses and physicians based on years of real world experience, research and practice.

Customized programs can also be developed based on the needs of your organization. This could include skills development, coaching, group practice and feedback, working with leadership, system redesign, case study review, materials review, or translation into practice. Please contact us if you are interested in a customized program.

Ongoing Support from a Community of Practice

The Community of Practice is a group of individuals, organizations and CCMI staff who have shared skill sets and remain in regular contact, offering encouragement and support to help each other thrive beyond traditional learning environments. CCMI provides newsletters, webinars, practice calls, updates and additional materials on an ongoing basis to support the continued growth and interaction of Community of Practice members. Membership is available as part of CCMI certification programs or organizational agreements. To learn more please contact us.

Ongoing support from a Community of Practice